好きです甘味 Love Sweets
私の大好きなお店La Fonteさん(http://lafonte-amami.dino.vc/)です。ハートロックにも近い赤尾木集落にあります。ホテルカレッタからは自転車でもいけますよ。
今後もLa Fonteさんはピックアップすると思われますので、詳しくはまたの機会に。
We are able to be relieved because the typhoon will go to the East China Sea not to come to Amami. The difference between Strong wind area and storm area is same as akami(tuna sushi) and ootoro(excellent tuna sushi).
I want to make me relieved,so l go to gelato shop La Fonte.
You could go there by a bicycle from Hotel Caretta.
Today's choice is chocochip and salt gelato!Taste of chocolate in vanilla is bitter but ice cream is sweet.Taste of salt in vanilla is salty but ice cream is sweet............Wonderful!!!
Do you know your immunity will be going up when you eat your particular dish you like.
好きです甘味 Love Sweets!
今回は奄美北部、宇宿集落にあるBLUE SEAL TANTO (http://www.blueseal.co.jp/)さんをご紹介します。
アメリカ発沖縄発祥のBLUE SEALアイスクリーム、沖縄特産の田芋や山芋などのお芋を使ったアイスがおいしいんです。写真の紫と白のきれいなミックスは、紫いも(さつま芋)とバニラのミックスで、とろけてしまいます。
675 400 407*75
For the smile that sweets bring!
BLUE SEAL ICECREAM comes from United States produces original flavors of Okinawa.Some of their icecreams make from Okinawan vegetables that are purple yum,taro and so on.Ingredients of this softcream are a purple sweet potato and a vanilla. It melts in my mouth.
BLUE SEAL is close to Tomori beach that you can see a beautiful gradation of marine blue.I recommend to rent a car to go there.It takes about 30 minutes from Hotel Caretta.